
Monday, May 24, 2010

Long Time No Blog

My apologies for taking almost a MONTH to make a post on here. We were busy with the move and then I was so exhausted from the move to do anything and then I just got lazy! Haha. So for a quick catch up of what's been going on.

We've been in our new house for 3 weeks now. We really like it and it was worth all the hassle it took to get here. There's much more room for our family and we are really enjoying the extra bathroom AND dining table!! We hadn't had a table since we moved here a year and a half ago so it's been great! I will post pics at the end of this post. A warning to you though, the house is not done yet! Still furniture arrangements to be made, new bedding to be ordered, and rooms to be painted, etc. And I certainly didn't clean up before taking these pics. hehe.

We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and found out that we will be having another little BOY! We are very excited and currently working on a name for him. Unfortunately, they gave us very lame pictures from the ultrasound and those 3 lame pictures that we did get, got messed up by the faulty printer and have squiggly rainbow lines all over them. I was NOT happy. We didn't even get a picture of the proof of boy parts! Well at least I am even more excited now about getting our 3D ultrasound while we're in Dallas. We better get some good shots then!

This past Saturday, Izaak and I attempted to hop a Space A flight from here to Seattle. We got up at 2 am and arrived at the Air Force base airport at about 3:30. We had to wait until almost 6:30 before finding out that we were not able to get seats on that flight. I was definitely bummed out, but was going to attempt taking a C5 later that day going to CA. Turns out that flight was delayed until the next morning. To make a really long story shorter, I was not guaranteed seats on that flight either, it was going to Hawaii first and we had no idea how long we would be there. Could have been hours, could have been days. Then we would have had to go through the same ordeal there trying to get on the plane to CA. It was just too stressful for me and I decided not to attempt it. Good thing because I found out later that there's no way I would have made it on that one either. So now we're looking at just buying tickets for both of us to leave out of Naha airport this Saturday. So *hopefully* I will be in Dallas this weekend! Which means I will still have a total of 3 weeks in Dallas which is great!

Well that's pretty much a brief summary of what's been going on in our lives recently. Here are some pics!

Looking into our kitchen from the dining/living room
And this is looking into if from the hallway coming in from the front door
Looking into the dining room from the kitchen
Living room
Our very messy and not finished bedroom

Master bath. Ahh I love saying that!
Oh and here's a pic of our FIRST meal at our wonderful table!
P.S. I didn't add pics of the boys rooms because there's not much to see. The baby's room has a changing table, dresser and suitcases in it right now. And Izaak's room has a crib and toys scattered everywhere! Don't worry, I will make a post after I finish their rooms........someday. :)