
Monday, July 27, 2009


So it's been almost 6 weeks since I got back to the US. I've had a wonderful time visiting friends and family, watching my little brother get married, holding the newborn babies of 2 of my dear old pals, and of course, SHOPPING! We (at least Izaak and I) were able to travel to WA, MD, VA, NC, TX, OK, and AR. My son has traveled more in his 6 months of life (and while he was in utero) than I did by the time I was 20! I now have less than 48 hours before I'm heading back to Japan. Last night I made my final trips to Target and Wal-Mart. Never thought I might almost cry walking out of Wal-Mart's doors. Haha! I'm not sure when we'll be back to the states. I'm guessing either Christmas or next summer. It's really sad to leave but I'm also very excited to get back to my hubby and my Okinawa friends. I have become more appreciative of both the US and Okinawa since being here. I've had a good fix of America, and now I'm ready to go back and embrace everything about our lives in Oki. I'm definitely ready to see more, taste more, and live more of the culture there. Saying goodbye will be hard. I know there will be lots of tears between mom and me. It makes it especially hard because of Izaak. So I'm not looking forward to that. I'm also not looking forward to the 25 hour trip with a very active and loud 6 month old by myself. But like the Marines say it, I will just have to "adapt and overcome". Hehe. I might be in tears by the time I arrive to the Naha airport, but we will make it! Say a little prayer for our trip if you think about it. Thanks to all who made this trip special for us! I wish I could have seen more people and spent more time with the ones I did see, but it makes me cherish those moments even more. Just like Wal-Mart. :) So now I'm just waiting for Z Bug to wake up from his morning nap so we can put our goulashes on (it's POURING in Dallas this morning!), and head to the mall for the very last time.


  1. Praying for ya, girl! Wish I could have seen you and that hadnsome guy while you were here, but SO glad you had a great trip! Be safe heading and prayers! :)

  2. SO glad you had a good visit. BUT SOOO sad I didn't get to see you and Z (and Johnny boy). Biz, I miss you tons and wish you could be there Saturday with me. I'll be praying for you as you and Z fly back...keep your blog updated over there and call me. LOVE

  3. Hello, i saw your picture on your friend Jessie's blog. She mentioned that you just had a baby boy and i couldn't help but notice that your baby and my little boy were only born a couple weeks apart!

    I can understand the mixed emotions your talking about. I've moved a lot in my life and it is never easy to say goodbyes. But that's neat that you enjoying your time overseas.

    It's really nice to "meet" you. Have a safe trip back.
