
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slacking Already!

Well haven't I just been great at my New Year's "goal" of writing something every day?! Haha! It's so funny how I think of things multiple times a day to write about it...and then somehow, NEVER get to type it out!! One of the reasons could be that, ever since we've lived in this house (about 7 weeks or so now), our computer has been sitting on the kitchen counter. So every time I got on the computer, I STOOD in the kitchen. I guess I just didn't have much motivation to stand there and type. But yesterday, I had my husband unload the desk I bought off of 29palmsyardsales before Christmas (that yes, was still in the car!!), and bring it inside. I moved my bakers rack that was in this corner of the living room/kitchen just collecting dust, diapers, wipes, toys, mail, and looked really horrible, and put my desk in its place. No, I have not finished it yet (I plan on painting and doing it up pretty some day), and yes, it hangs out about 3 inches past the wall into the hallway, but I don't care!! We're only living here until August anyway, it's not a permanent situation. And if it means I get to SIT DOWN in the morning to have my coffee, check Facebook, and yes, hopefully BLOG, then I'll take it! And I still get to be right here in the middle of my kiddies.

As I'm typing this, Z and Mav are playing together in the kitchen. Izaak LOVES playing with his little brother. He loves making him crawl after him. He loves making him laugh! It's just so adorable and I'm so grateful that Mav has Z as a big brother to look up to. Mav's therapist told me that Izaak will be his greatest teacher. I know that he is going to continue to develop in a great way by following his big brother around!

Speaking of developing, Maverick has his first in-clinic therapies tomorrow! I'm anxious to see what this place has to offer him. 29 Palms is very teeny tiny and nothing, NOTHING like Dallas where we had all the big hospitals and nice everything! I just hope this place can really give him what he needs and really help him out. So for now he is going to start with physical and speech therapy, and possibly also start occupational therapy. This is going to be like a 4-6 times a week kind of thing PLUS once or twice a week in home therapy. I just really hope we can get this schedule figured out and that's it not too overwhelming for him or Izaak or ME!

I had considered putting Izaak in preschool during this time, but have decided not to do that. I really want to do preschool with him at home and although I never thought I would be, I'm actually excited about it! I just hope that I can keep up with his needs. Not to brag cause I know every mom thinks their kid is smart, but Izaak is a very, very smart little boy. He amazes me every day at what comes out of his mouth and what he knows and understands and remembers! And I feel like that's without me even really trying. So if I really put energy into it and help him learn all he can, I know he will love it, and benefit greatly from it! I really would like for him to be able to come to Mav's therapy with me. He's always been a part of his therapy sessions before and I'd like for it to be a family affair and for him to know how important he is to Maverick's life and how much he helps him be the best he can be! I just hope that he behaves himself. Haha. I think he will though.

Speaking of behaving himself, this is what he's doing this very moment.

And on that note...I better go entertain my poor dogs kids!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm exhausted. In just about every way I can be. We've lived in this house for 6 weeks and I'm still not done unpacking and putting things away. I try a little bit every day (when I feel motivated). But with John not coming home until 7:00 or later every night and 2 toddlers under toe every day all day, it's really hard to do and I just get frustrated. Today was going to be the day to REALLY get it all done. I was determined. But things did not go as planned. Kids were still under toe. And I cannot shake this tiredness. It's 6:30 pm and literally all I can think about is curling up in bed and watching tv until I fall asleep. Football is on in the living room and kids are fussing. Not a place I want to be right now. Also feeling a little guilty for feeding my (almost) 3 year old greasy cheese bread sticks for supper. Ah well. I cooked good wholesome meals all week so I feel pretty good about that. And I'm trying to decide if I want to try a new church tomorrow or just stay here and get more done on the house. *sigh* That's another thing that makes me hunting. We've done it our WHOLE marriage and NEVER found a church we could call home. That my friends, will wear you down pretty quickly. And I should mention that the churches here take up ONE page in the yellow pages. And that includes the other 2 towns down the road. This is a tiny place! So the one we're wanting to try (and the 4th one we will have tried here), if it doesn't work out, I'm really not sure what we'll end up doing.

Anyway, on a cute note, here's a pic I took of Mav as he was playing "shut the door in Mom's face" from the laundry room. He was getting such a kick out of it! That boy is making my heart happy lately with how much he's developing and doing new and exciting things! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Years Resolution

I hate New Years resolutions. I just don't do them. So I guess maybe I will call this a goal instead. Hehe. One of my goals is to really get back to blogging (like I keep saying on here that I'm doing). It's taken me a long time to feel comfortable with sharing my stories/life/learning experiences/ups and downs/opinions, etc, etc with the world. But I've decided that, since I'm not a journaler (is that a word?), I really need to be writing down all this stuff SOMEHOW. I SO regret not keeping up with my life on paper or the computer. I'm very sad that I didn't document our lives in Okinawa or keep up with my boys growing and changing (I don't do baby books either). So I really really really want to do this for ME and if no one else reads this, that's perfectly fine. But I vow to make this my little personal journal. This will also be a place where I will express my frustrations, fears, anxieties, joys, hopes, regrets, opinions, ....everything! I am constantly thinking of things I want to write. Things I just want to get OUT THERE whether or not anyone is reading along. Some of these things that I've wanted to get out there include topics that are...sensitive shall we say? Controversial. Opinionated. And if you don't agree, then I'd appreciate if you just keep that to yourself. There may even be some posts that I close to comments because I HATE confrontation. Like I said, this is a place for me to let go and express how I feel. You don't have to read it. Thanks in advance. :) I love to educate people on things they don't know much about. I love to help people. I love to enlighten people and share with them new ideas. So I guess really, it might be more of that kind of thing rather than IN YOUR FACE! TAKE THAT! Haha. Or possibly I might even be too chicken to ever put the things out there that are in my head. We shall see how it goes. I'm going to *try my best* to post something every day. At least just something about my day so that I'll have something to come back and read years from now and I can look back and laugh and say, "Oh goodess...I'm so glad that part of my life is over". HAHA j/k. I also really hope to re-vamp my blog homepage. Ick. I can't stand it. I really need someone to make it over because I don't do that either. Well enough ramblings. Happy New Year everyone!