
Friday, January 6, 2012

New Years Resolution

I hate New Years resolutions. I just don't do them. So I guess maybe I will call this a goal instead. Hehe. One of my goals is to really get back to blogging (like I keep saying on here that I'm doing). It's taken me a long time to feel comfortable with sharing my stories/life/learning experiences/ups and downs/opinions, etc, etc with the world. But I've decided that, since I'm not a journaler (is that a word?), I really need to be writing down all this stuff SOMEHOW. I SO regret not keeping up with my life on paper or the computer. I'm very sad that I didn't document our lives in Okinawa or keep up with my boys growing and changing (I don't do baby books either). So I really really really want to do this for ME and if no one else reads this, that's perfectly fine. But I vow to make this my little personal journal. This will also be a place where I will express my frustrations, fears, anxieties, joys, hopes, regrets, opinions, ....everything! I am constantly thinking of things I want to write. Things I just want to get OUT THERE whether or not anyone is reading along. Some of these things that I've wanted to get out there include topics that are...sensitive shall we say? Controversial. Opinionated. And if you don't agree, then I'd appreciate if you just keep that to yourself. There may even be some posts that I close to comments because I HATE confrontation. Like I said, this is a place for me to let go and express how I feel. You don't have to read it. Thanks in advance. :) I love to educate people on things they don't know much about. I love to help people. I love to enlighten people and share with them new ideas. So I guess really, it might be more of that kind of thing rather than IN YOUR FACE! TAKE THAT! Haha. Or possibly I might even be too chicken to ever put the things out there that are in my head. We shall see how it goes. I'm going to *try my best* to post something every day. At least just something about my day so that I'll have something to come back and read years from now and I can look back and laugh and say, "Oh goodess...I'm so glad that part of my life is over". HAHA j/k. I also really hope to re-vamp my blog homepage. Ick. I can't stand it. I really need someone to make it over because I don't do that either. Well enough ramblings. Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Would definitely love to read what you have to say! Good luck! :)

  2. The Lord has blessed you lots and then some....

  3. I can't wait to have such a story to tell!
