
Monday, August 24, 2009

Video Catch Up!

So these are mostly for the grandparents who are dying from a lack of Z Bug videos!

Here is the little man in bed acting silly with daddy and mommy

This one is a little boring but still thought the G-Parents would want to see it. I was trying to catch Izaak spitting his food out. He gave us a real hard time for a few days when it came to eating his baby food. He only wanted a bottle. We finally figured out it's because he was trying to cut a tooth. He's doing a good job of eating now in his new high chair.

Last week our little Z Bug finally figured out he could roll over!

Eating his Mum Mum crackers


  1. Merrick used to love Mum many teeth does your little guy have now? He's getting cuter all the time. :)

  2. He's just trying to grow 1 toother right now :)

  3. Lol, I just did a grandparents post too! :)
