
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And Baby Makes 4!

That's right...John and I are expecting baby Miller #2! I will be 11 weeks tomorrow and we are due September 30th! I've been keeping it a secret from the blogging and Facebook world for a while now. But we finally had our first ultrasound yesterday and I was very ready to make the big announcement! We found out on January 22nd that I am pregnant again. John was extremely excited! I shock. Haha! We knew we wanted another baby in the near future but I was honestly a little scared when I found out. Izaak hadn't even had his first birthday yet! It took me a week or 2 to get used to the idea and of course now I'm thrilled! This baby and Z Bug will only be 20 months apart. I know it's been done before and I know it will be fine! I'm sure I will have my hands full and there will be some challenging days, but I'm really happy that they are going to be so close in age. I hope they can be best friends growing up! People keep asking me if I want a boy or a girl this time, and most people are already guessing that it's a girl. I really feel like it's a girl too...but I felt that way with Izaak so, we'll just have to wait and see! Of course it doesn't matter to me either way and I just want a healthy little bundle. I would like to have another boy so that Izaak has a playmate to rough house with, be on the same sports teams with, etc. But I also keep thinking about how fun it would be to shop for and dress up a little girl! Hehe. So, either way I will be happy and excited! Hopefully I will be blogging more in the near future. I kind of got away from it for a while. I really need to catch up on videos of Izaak! But for now, I will leave you with some pictures!

2 pink lines = baby!

Our little blessing #2

Big Brother!


  1. Oh Brittany! Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!

  2. yay! So glad for the big announcement. :) I know how you feel about not caring either way. I wanted a girl with Tirzah, but at the same time thought it would be great for Merrick to have a boy to play with. Can't wait to find out! :)
